Bare Knucklin'

Ms. Wine n’ Words got me to musing. Powerful words kinda do that to me. Powerful sentiments, powerful emotions, powerful memories.
There come times in every life, whether we like it or not (as if we’d ever welcome them), when we gotta simply stand and fight. These ain’t no times for cushioned gloves. No. No! There are times that demand bare knucklin’.
And, whatever the outcome, it’s gonna hurt. Pain beyond imaginable.
I look at my own hands. I’ve got scars criss-crossing my knuckles.
I remember how I suffered each and every one. It wasn’t by choice. No. I’d NEVER choose to hurt or be hurt.
There are times, events, circumstances when one must stand or die. Sometimes we just gotta stand and take the blows. Feel the ribs crack. And then fight back. Any way we can. Death may come in many ways: emotional, spiritual...physical. It's up to us to throw the gloves down and bare knuckle it out...for our very salvation.
There are times when we MUST fight for our very lives.
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Shit. It's Annie Jonas. I love how you shoot straight. I need you. Fight continues. Thankfully I'm a brown belt in Krav Maga, but you and I both know it doesn't really matter in knuckle wars.
~ Annie
I went to W&W's blog to get the background for this. So moving. I feel quite helpless at the moment - can't think of much to say. Where there is so much pain and hurt, how can we help? I'm glad that you wrote this for Annie, Jonas. I hope she knows that her words shoot out electronically to a gathering that cares.
Maybe the times of pain are our wakeup calls... a remainder that forces us to fight for who we are.
We don't choose to hurt or being hurt, it is just part of life, a necessary step, a must...
There are times that we MUST stand and fight!! yes there are...
I completely agree. Sometimes it's the right thing to do. Sometimes it's the only thing to do. No matter what.
There are absolutely times when it is imperative that we stand and fight. For ourselves, or for another. I have done it, and will continue to until I draw my last breath.
Annie it is. I haven't the foggiest idea what Krav Maga even means but I think I'd rather not meet you in a cage match. (I bleed easily).
I hope so too, Kass.
I'm not surprised to find strong women willing to stand and fight. Y'all DO realize, do you not, that you fact...the stronger sex? You are.
So true. They say to pick your battles
"Feel the ribs crack. And then fight back. Any way we can. Death may come in many ways: emotional, spiritual...physical. It's up to us to throw the gloves down and bare knuckle it out...for our very salvation. the real battles are not chosen by the pain"
Sometimes the pale is exceeded and the line is drawn. Battle is not a choice at that point.
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