Things I know
I know what is IS.
I know I’m not everyone’s “cup o’ tea”
I know the meaning of “she’s just not that into you”
I know I’m not the “cat’s pajamas”
(I don’t know exactly what that means)
I know how it feels to be “second (or third) choice”
To be something sub-prime
I know, too well, what “love ‘em and leave ‘em” means
* * *
She came to know me just enough to know she didn’t want me
I came to know heartache.
I know more than I wish I knew.
I know I’m not everyone’s “cup o’ tea”
I know the meaning of “she’s just not that into you”
I know I’m not the “cat’s pajamas”
(I don’t know exactly what that means)
I know how it feels to be “second (or third) choice”
To be something sub-prime
I know, too well, what “love ‘em and leave ‘em” means
* * *
She came to know me just enough to know she didn’t want me
I came to know heartache.
I know more than I wish I knew.
* * *
Been exactly there myself, Jonas. xoxo
I've little doubt that most of us have come to know the exact same things, Ponita.
No worries, Deb. I've got lots o' band-aids friends.
Friends are what matter Jonas, but you already know that. Have you bought a motorbike yet?
It's okay my friend... cats don't wear jammies so it's all good.
My feeling is even if you are 3rd or fourth pick.. you are part of someones life right?
Stop channeling me. :)
Could it be that she didn't know herself? How can anyone know someone else if they fail to know themselves first?
It isn't fair for you to take on all the blame as a personal flaw. In all relationships, responsibility is a two way street.
As far as Cat's Pajamas, who wants to go through putting them on your cat anyway?
Oh, Dear Hearts! You are most kind and caring. Methinks a bit o' clarification is in order.
This entry was not about some new angst or fresh heartache. Rather, it was a midnight musing that simply appeared (prolly while I was channeling Spy Queen). I wasn't sad at all. It's a statement about acceptance and with acceptance comes peace of mind (something I've been sorely lacking/needing for a few years too many). I feel as if I'm healing and growing happier. Granted, I'd loved to be swept away by tsunami waves of happiness, but I'm not averse to these intermittent drizzles. But thank you all for you words of support!
Deb - the cycle will be a winter/spring purchase. I've a few contractual obligations to satisfy this summer and I'm trying to rebuild my strength such that I'll have the stamina to roam next year.
Whoa, Queen Cheese! My cats ALL wore jammies. Yours don't!?! And yes, I still bask in the love of friends and what little family remains.
Sorry, Spy Queen, I just can't help it.
Ah, shadowlands, I agree with all you wrote, but I hope my earlier clarification clarified matters.
You're right, of course, my cats kinda hated the whole pj's at bedtime routine.
Better she knew you just enough to know.....rather than let it......go too far. I just had to tell someone this...and it was painful for the both of us.
You make a good point, Ms. Hurricane.
Usually, just when you think you know something, someone proves you wrong.
Keep your eyes open so you see the miracle when it happens.
My kitties sleep commando... just like their MOMMERS!
I sleep commando, too...but the furfaces just look SO darn cute in their Dr. Dentons!
I also know we can't be all things to all people and that sometimes even painful things are for the best (even though it takes years to realise it).
An eccentric former neighbour of mine used to put her white Persian cat in a pink terry toweling bodysuit at night. So maybe cats wear bodysuits, not pajamas. :D
You're quite right, Jay. I hope to finish my life with eyes wide open in absolutement amazement.
I tried silk smoking jackets for my cats, Selma...but they found them to be...oh, a bit pretentious, I guess.
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