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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Thoughts at Christmas 2011

There’ll be no white Christmas for me. Pity, that. Crystalline sprites chose not to cavort amongst the moonbeams. A bit o’ magic’s missing. All is dreary, damp and puddled (much like my mind). Much like most of this past year.

This has not been an easy year for me. For some I hold most dear, it was tragic.

So it goes. Each life has its seasons and each season is what it is. Some are far harsher than others.

Love and Hope come easily in youthful springtime. We revel in sunshine, bask in the glory of youth. Why not? It was meant to be.

Spring lasts for just a short while, followed by the labors of summer, the rewards of fall...then...winter.

These are the days when we must rely on the reserves that have been salted away in deep places. This is the season when we huddle close to hearth fires, cling to each other for comfort, light candles, decorate trees and throw our heads back to sing our hopes and prayers to Heaven.

This is the essence of winter and the foundation for Christmas. These are the days when we look to our families, friends, neighbors and strangers on the street, knowing we are ALL in this together, grateful for each other as we pray for sunshine.

I am wistful, melancholy, grateful and hopeful this Christmas. Grateful for all the kind souls who’ve comforted me whenever I’ve stumbled and begged. Hopeful, so earnestly hopeful, that your hearts bask in the warmth and comfort so necessary.

May the blessings of the season bring you solace, hope and joy.

* * *


Blogger Kass said...

This is one of the most beautiful Christmas messages I have ever read.

Sun Dec 25, 01:39:00 AM  
Blogger June Calender said...

Thank you, Jonah, for many thoughtful and beautifully written posts during the year, I consider them your gifts to your readers.

Best wishes to you for a year with less pain than the past one. You DO have those deep reserves and sometimes you share them with use. Although it is gray an puddled where I am as it is where you are, we know there is sun up there. I hope it will shine on your and you pedal and poeticize your way through the new year.

Sun Dec 25, 10:39:00 AM  
Blogger secret agent woman said...

The best thing about the dreary Winter is that even as we are all huddled together against the cold, the warmth of Spring is slowly but surely working its way back to us. That's what keep sme going.

Tue Dec 27, 07:03:00 PM  
Blogger Jonas said...

Thank you, Dear Hearts, for your comments.

Wed Dec 28, 06:35:00 PM  
Blogger PattiKen said...

And to you, Jonas. And may peace and happiness find you in the new year, even if you are hiding. You deserve both, my friend.

Wed Dec 28, 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a beautiful writer. One of my favourites, actually. You are insightful, thoughtful and compassionate. Wishing you much happiness for the New Year xxx

Thu Dec 29, 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny, I just thought of you last night. Thought I hadn't heard from you in such a long time and I wondered how you were. We've never met and still I consider you my friend Jonas. Take care my friend.

Fri Dec 30, 08:47:00 AM  
Blogger tattytiara said...

You do write beautifully. Hope the holidays brought much comfort and joy to you.

Mon Jan 02, 09:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for this, Jonah. 2011 was not a kind year for a lot of folks, I've found. I hope 2012 brings you healing and peace, and a realization of the sweetness you bring to the lives of those with whom you come into contact.

Sun Jan 08, 01:03:00 PM  
Blogger Jonas said...

It's been too long, waaaaaay too long since I posted a response...

You each deserve a proper thank you. But I'm a scofflaw, a bit of a git.

I'll simply say that your comments meant a great deal to me. More than I can express ('cuz I'm a wordless git to boot).

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I hold you close.

Fri Feb 24, 11:25:00 PM  

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