True Story

Decades ago...I found myself chatting up a comely lass. She was “heavy” into astrology. She wanted to know my “sign”. “I’m a Gemini,” I answered. “Gawd!” she blurted. “I’d have an abortion if I knew my child would be born a Gemini!” she exclaimed.
Needless to say, we went our separate ways. She to her astrological charts, and I to my garret.
Thereupon, I penned this verse:
A Gemini’s Lament
Stars, do not mock me!
I’m no tangent to some cosmic arc,
A simple astrological abstraction.
Do not vow that I am fated
To be inconstant, mutable,
Mere cloud forms and breezes.
I am passioned dust,
With heart rubbed raw,
And I have bled too much for that!
* * *
"I’m a Gemini and Geminis don’t believe in astrology"
* * *
"I’m a Gemini and Geminis don’t believe in astrology"
* * *
I'm a Gemini with most of the usual Gemini traits -- I don't believe in astrology either. Don't know why I have so many Gemini friends.
I bet your glad your mom wasn't as much in to astrology as this lady was. And a garret's a much better place to retreat than a chart.
:)))... thank you for the good laugh, I needed it!
Some people really takes astrology seriously, and they don’t leave you any room to even attempt to think that you are still a unique individual in your very own way. As if you are doom for life for being born under what they believe to be the wrong sign
Guess that is also part of human nature. ;)
Jonas - passioned dust with heart rubbed raw. This is utterly brilliant. While your poem may be within a tongue-and-cheek format, it shines on its own. I'm so tempted sometimes to make a book of my favorite posts from the blogosphere. This would be in it.
ouch... i'm a gemini too... maybe it isn't such a good thing to admit this around chart people? i confess i don't really know what being gemini means about me... i just know i'm gemini and year of the horse in case anyone asks ... but maybe based on this lady's reaction i ought to make something up :) ... is the year of the horse cause for abortion too, or do Chinese charts not count? ... maybe it's better to be year of the rat...
Cool blog. I will be abck for more!
Decades ago.... I did a research paper on the correlation between astrological charts and the MMPI, a psychological personality test. There were statistically significant similarities.
Gemini.. that explains a lot. :)
Personally, I think astrology is a lot of hocus pocus... I am an Aquarian and I am supposed to be an emotionally distant person who gets uncomfortable discussing feelings... WhatEVer! That is so far from the truth about me.
But your poem, Jonas, is great! I loved it.
As a Gemini I've heard similar comments from people. I don't let it get to me because if they are that shallow I don't need them. Thanks for that poem. Hope I can use that postscript.
My twin brothers were Geminis, which was the best use of astrology I've seen. Other than that, and liking that my sign is about balance, I have no use for it. The last guy I saw used to say things like, "Maybe because you're a Libra, blah blah blah..." and I'd say, "Mmm hmm." His body distracted me from the siliness of it all.
He-he, well, I'm a Pisces, and have studied astrology as a hobby since I was 16. Suffice it to say, there are about 20 different variables in addition to your sun sign - according to astrology - that make you who you are. I know you don't believe...and that's okay. I still think you're a clever, creative Gemini, with an expansive heart. So there! :)
Loved this poem and I loved Ponita's "WhatEVer!" in her comment. Too funny.
Oh, and for what it's worth, I'm ok with you being a Gemini. ;)
We Aquarians don't delve much into astrology either. But...when I was in college, I used to write natal charts and sell them to new parents. It is amazing how much new parents will pay for a natal chart for their new offspring. But, then...we Aquarians are also good sales people.
Wowza! I had no idea so many of you are Geminis! Even so, I've retained enough of my scientific education to understand that "correlation does not prove causation".
Kass, you made me blush.
I'm a Chinese rabbit.
Welcome Realliveman.
I've used that postscript often, Christella. It's a line from the move "The Croupier".
I'm still chuckling in response to all of the comments. Thank you.
SF is a Gem and we play with our daily horrible~scopes and email them back and forth with our own little changes. It's good clean [sometimes?? nasty??] fun.
Just remember as a Gemini... you can ALWAYS blame it on your evil twin!!!!
a garret's a much better place to retreat than a chart.
Work from home India
We aquarians are far too rational for Astrology too.
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