Christmas 2010

I’ll be spending Christmas alone, a not atypical circumstance for me in recent years.
I mourn the loss of family. I miss seeing Christmas through an innocent child’s eyes. I ache for the scents, sounds and tastes, the blessings and the hugs. I cling to my reveries, clutching them reverentially to heart. They grow ever more magical and precious with each passing year.
Time and loss change the texture, but not the essence of Christmas. The essence rooted deep within us. The knowledge that, should all church doors be barred and bolted, each ornament crash and shatter, and carolers fall silent, the human spirit will still prevail and remain steadfast. It is the essence of the soul to hope fervently through the longest, darkest and coldest nights. To follow stars and pray for peace.
In keeping with the spirit of the season, I pray that Heaven’s grace wraps you tight and keeps you warm.
* * *
I mourn the loss of family. I miss seeing Christmas through an innocent child’s eyes. I ache for the scents, sounds and tastes, the blessings and the hugs. I cling to my reveries, clutching them reverentially to heart. They grow ever more magical and precious with each passing year.
Time and loss change the texture, but not the essence of Christmas. The essence rooted deep within us. The knowledge that, should all church doors be barred and bolted, each ornament crash and shatter, and carolers fall silent, the human spirit will still prevail and remain steadfast. It is the essence of the soul to hope fervently through the longest, darkest and coldest nights. To follow stars and pray for peace.
In keeping with the spirit of the season, I pray that Heaven’s grace wraps you tight and keeps you warm.
* * *
Oh... Just know that if you were within reach, I'd be dragging you into the cacaphony and chaos that is my family.
Oh, and that big wham into your space you felt a minute ago? That was me, sending you a big hug. ;-)
Thank you, Patti. I would like that, I most surely would.
As for hugs? I'll gladly accept any and all, cyber or otherwise.
Color me grateful.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Most of my Christmas is spent alone as well, although dinner tomorrow will be at my niece's house, with her two little girls, several of my siblings and other nieces and nephews (all adults) around.
You are very right in that it is the spirit of Christmas that counts. So, in that spirit, I offer to you my heartfelt wishes for a Merry Christmas, with love and peace from all corners of the universe into yours. Warm hugs and love to you.
There is a distinct tenderness to spending Christmas alone, reverie intact.
My best to you this day.
Merry Christmas to you, Jonas.
Merry Christmas Jonas. If you were closer you would be welcome here as well, although you would have to put up with Katie throwing her food and eating off your plate.
Changed texture but not essence. I keep the essence amidst the abrasion. I really did. Jonas, I wish I had your positivity. I really do. But I come here, for a dose. I find it warm, inviting and relaxing. Thank you.
The best magic for me is always new and surprising and evolving. Clinging might pin you to the past.
Lovely words. Happy New Year, Jonas.
Thank you, Ponita and Kass and Anna and Lilith! (you've all been most kind for quite some time, now)
I'll just say this, Annie: I battle depression 24/7. I cling to all that I KNOW is good and true and healing to save me from myself, to save me from falling into deep despair.
Thank you, Mary.
And my wish for all of you, Dear Readers, is that you find whatever your dear hearts seek.
If you lived in Australia you would be welcome at my house anytime. I want you to know that you weren't really alone for Christmas - I suspect all your readers were with you in spirit. I was that shadow on the wall that looked like a little bird. I wish you much peace and happiness for the New Year, Jonas. You are one of the best souls I know XXX
Awwwwww, Selma....
This was beautifully written, Jonas. I've never spent Christmas alone but I think it would be bittersweet. Some people are alone in a roomful of people. I wouldn't want to be one of them.
The way you write about spending Christmas alone....I think I'd like to do that.
Happy New Year.
That's so true, Yvonne. I never felt so alone than when I was a partner in a marriage gone stone cold dead. A life lived alone is a blessing in comparison to that.
Thank you for stopping by. And a happy new year to you, too!
I'm always alone on holidays. Hope it is better for you this year.
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