I don’t understand most anything.
Don’t understand much at all.
And maybe, probably,
That’s meant to be
My Fate.
To understand...well...
One needs wisdom
Insight and maturity.
See these pockets?
They’re inverted inside out
I’ve come to accept
I’ll never know.
I feel.
Wish I didn’t.
* * *
The wisest of men are those that know that they know nothing at all. This was gorgeous. Gorgeous. I can certainly relate.
Pockets inside out aren't empty.
They reveal your openness.
Even your open woundedness.
Vulnerability is an invitation to be known.
But if you "get it" with your heart, that's so much more important and meaningful that just thinking you get it intellectually. You are a wise man, Jonas... and also very humble.
This is a home run Jonas. That ball hit me straight between the hearts. Ahhh, you've heard that humans have only one? There is the heart that concerns, and the heart that wishes to live unconcerned. They war so consistently that their blood runs together and clouds the oxygen. Of course we can know nothing in such a bipolar environment. Damn it hurts though.
Hope you are well Jonas. Me? I'm battling as always.
It's those who think they understand who are in trouble.
"There are known knowns; there are things we know we know.
We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things we do not know we don't know."
While I am certainly not a fan of Rumsfeld, I think the wisdom lies in knowing that there is much you don't know, including much you aren't even aware you don't know. It's the human condition.
Thank you, Rebecca. The fact that you can relate to this makes my heart bleed for you.
Yes, Kass, there is that. The need to be known. To be known. To be appreciated or, if not not, simply accepted.
Oh, Ponita, I'll simply say I was never a "humble man."
But I've been humbled.
Fight the good fight, Annie! It's hard, I know. I'm fighting, too.
I wish that I could say, Patti, that I got even one teeny-tiny small step on those who think they "understand." I'm not sure I do.
Oh, yeah, Quaker Princess, I gots me a whole lotta "human condition." Most days, that's all I got.
I think that part of the good (and the bad) in life comes from not fully understanding it all. But there is also a humility and grace in not understanding everything because it shows an open heart. This was lovely...
Thank you, Selma.
Very powerful to me. Thank you for your words of light dear.
Ms. Cheesy!!! What a pleasant surprise! it's been quite some time since we've made contact. Tell me all is good, that you are well.
It pleases me to think my words pleased you.
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