At Twilight

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Location: Midwest, United States

Friday, May 30, 2014

This Business of Dying

Weighs ever more heavily on me.

I believe I’m suffering from “grief fatigue.”  I’ve reached that age when I find myself saying good-bye to all too many.  I’m becoming ever more aware of the reality of mortality.

My own included.

I find it challenging to “process” all of this.  Life once seemed to be a matter of endless possibilities.  Decades later, Life seems to hang on a thread.

My Mother once said to me:
 “It’s a sad fate to outlive all of your friends.”

I doubt I’ll outlive all that many of my closest friends.  Truth be told, I’m on a course to expire before most.  

Neither possibility appeals.

It takes quite a few years to comprehend fully this business of dying.

I’m grateful I’ve lived long enough.

Sad that I finally understand.

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