Ruminations at 90 RPM
I mentioned before, in earlier blog entries, that this year
has been more than a bit trying.
Downright rough, actually.
I felt I never got in sync.
The interminable winter left me in a depressed daze. I wanted nothing more than to saddle up and
begin my cycling season. I waited and
waited. Weather conditions were such
that I did not ride in March. I pedaled
a day or three in April. I started
rolling in May. Slowly at first, but
quickly ramping towards 100-mile weeks. But
I paid a price for that. Farmers, too,
had held off working during the miserable spring. They came out in force in May. I choked on dust, fertilizer and
pesticides. My sinuses became insanely clogged
with “farm stuff.” I was beyond
Still, I kept cycling.
I knew I had to ride if I were to leave the Black Dog in the dust. I wheezed and wailed through hundreds of
miles in June and July. By August I was
feeling human again. Felt kinda good,
I was eager for adventure.
Eager to embrace life again.
Drove to Canada
to experience all that. Crashed. Smashed my face and scrambled my brain. My September was a total loss.
Then came October.
I couldn’t wait to saddle up again. Because, you see, October is pure magic. First and foremost, there’s the Light. I’ve not the art to describe it. All is luminous. Nature luxuriates in an ineffable glow. The Sun, low on the horizon, brings forth
everything in bas-relief. The world
around me shimmers and glows.
Trees surrounding me vie for attention. The modest sorts offer amber hues and rich
earth tones. The extroverted blaze in
brilliant vermilions, crimsons and dazzling scarlets. So much so, the beauty of
it all leaves me breathless at times.
In past seasons, I would have had the strength to pedal for
many hours and miles on end. Not this
year. The bike crash left me
considerably weakened. It saddens me to
contemplate the rapidity with which muscles decline with age. Even so, and despite all that, I could still
inhale the beauty (if only for an hour or two at a time).
But there’s so much more to the season than the luminous, as
spectacular as it is. There are Life
forces at work. The sky is filled with
hawks and vultures. The hawks search for
the field mice that flee the fields as harvesters rumble through. The vultures?
Well, this time of year constitutes an all-you-can-eat buffet. It saddens me to report this, but autumn is
road kill season. My sojourns take me
past numerous raccoons, opossums and skunks that met their end on dark nights
while earnestly foraging in preparation for winter.
It’s very much a yin yang thing.
I contemplate all this as I pedal along at 90 RPM (my
standard pedal cadence...90 revolutions per minute).
Leaves drift across my path.
Hollow corn stalks rattle in the wind.
That’s surrealism for you.
I veer between states of awe and melancholy.
I ride as best I can, for as long as I can.
Contemplating, all the while, the meaning of Life.
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