Luggage vs. Baggage

I spent the day paying bills in advance and doing laundry. ‘Cuz, you see, I’m leaving on a jet plane bound for a different continent (moving back and forth in time to boot). And this whole process got me to thinking ‘bout the difference between luggage and baggage.
I’m gonna lug about a bit o’ luggage. Just one piece o’ luggage, though...just capacious enough to contain two weeks’ worth of underwear and socks. A sweater and a toothbrush. There's that “man purse” just big enough to hold a camera, a passport, and a novel worth reading.
Yeah, I got the luggage thing down pat.
It’s the baggage that confounds. I’m not the innocent, wide-eyed naïf I once was. No. My cataritic eyes view the world differently, nowadays. And this heart of mine? It’s a bit sclerotic.
I gots me a suitcase. A passport. An e-ticket and an itinerary. And I gots me a heart that’s broken in too many ways to count. I gots me way-too-big loads of cynical and skeptical.
I gots me luggage and I gots me baggage.
I can do without the baggage.
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