Mine Eyes...

...have seen the glory of a great many things.
They surely have. Not with great acuity, mind you. Being astigmatic, my perspective was always a bit skewed. I view that as a positive. The list of glories witnessed could extend for line upon line, page upon page, volume after volume with no end in sight.
These grey-green, yellow-flecked orbs of mine have served me well. But we’ve reached the end of the line.
Got meself a new pair of glasses today. Not that they’ll do me much good. Got me the news today, too, that my cataracts will keep me seeing double, in an ever-darkening fog forever after. But I didn’t wail like a baby the way I did some decades ago when I first learned I needed bifocals. I wasn’t prepared to handle decrepitude...then. I’ve come to understand decrepitude much better since. We’ve even bonded a bit.
Even so, today’s news gives me pause. Here’s a wee bit more of me needing to be excised. More body parts to be discarded. I’ve really no alternative. Cataracts, in some eyes, result in haloed vision. Heck, if every face I saw was bathed in halo, I’d welcome the experience. But my cataracts aren’t remotely that creative. I merely see blurs doubled.
I gots me new glasses, but I gots me appointments to make, surgeries to schedule and paperwork galore to examine via a magnifying glass. I gotta do what I gotta do in order to see the world as I once saw it:
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