I daresay, even as I type the letters that form the words that constitute the phrase that means so much...and so very little...the words themselves are being whispered in the ears of countless lovers across the hemispheres and continents, uttered in so many tongues and with such a myriad of inflections that it all seems a cacophany.
“I love you”
Has any three-word combination been as used/misused as this?
I doubt it.
I love you” she whispers, but she simply hopes to be loved, without knowing what “
love” is...other than feeling that something must, somehow...some way, fill the voids within.
I love you” he whispers, but what he wants are creature comforts...
a maid, a plaything, a trophy, a scapegoat or nanny.
I love you” she attests, but it’s the Adjusted Gross Income calculated on line 37 of IRS Form 1040 that she craves.
I love you” he attests, but what he loves are her tits, mouth and cunt, her gasps and moans, her body, her sex...(and bodies abound).
I love you” she swears, but she loves just the emotion...not the man, not the challenge nor the reality. Not the dirt, sweat and blood.
I love you” he swears, forgetting to mention it’s just a transitory “
thing,” a conquest, or pleasant diversion. Another notch in the belt.
I love you” she weeps, fearing the challenge of a life lived alone.
I love you” he weeps, never having lived without his mother.
I love you” she intones...“
I love you” he responds...
And neither knows what either means or meant.
Three little words and lives are destroyed. Three little words and tears flow long after. Three little words and worlds implode, explode, disintegrate.
Three little words that meaning nothing...or everything.
Just three little words, that we’ve each uttered, muttered, vowed, cooed, whispered, screamed, cried or seemingly forgot.
I love you” she says. “
I love you” he answers. Two souls meet and merge and blaze a trail through turmoil and toil and suffering and sickness and failures and frailties, through broken dreams and...
unimagined delights. “
I love you” they whisper in the dead of night, through storms and terrors, at sunrise and sunset. “
I love you” they remember, when all else is forgotten, when nothing else matters.
“I love you” means whatever charlatans wish the phrase to mean.
“I love you” only matters when we mean it.
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