
I have written of beauty and my perceptions before. A few days ago,
I offered a comment on another blog about physical beauty. It was promptly dismissed as sexist. I suppose it was to some. Sexism and misogyny abound (more so in the Bible Belt). So much so, that some see sexism everywhere.
I see beauty.
I see beauty to an extent never experienced before. I think it's part of the sixth-decade terrain.
I gaze at physically beautiful humans a bit envious, mostly wistful.
I appreciate unblemished suppleness. The hormone-fueled vigor of glorious youth. But I know, all too well, the ephemeral nature of physical beauty. Gifts such as these, like the innocence we arrived with, are not ours to possess forever. These are transitory states.
And I know, too (and have through almost all of my adult life), that outward appearance does not necessarily correlate with an individual’s sensuality or eroticism...or true character for that matter. Surprises abound.
Even so, I revel in beauty. It grows ever more wondrous. I shall not be lusting for that beauty, though. I’ve lived too long and ventured too far on damaged legs for that.
I only lust for hearts that have endeared themselves to me:
I offered a comment on another blog about physical beauty. It was promptly dismissed as sexist. I suppose it was to some. Sexism and misogyny abound (more so in the Bible Belt). So much so, that some see sexism everywhere.
I see beauty.
I see beauty to an extent never experienced before. I think it's part of the sixth-decade terrain.
I gaze at physically beautiful humans a bit envious, mostly wistful.
I appreciate unblemished suppleness. The hormone-fueled vigor of glorious youth. But I know, all too well, the ephemeral nature of physical beauty. Gifts such as these, like the innocence we arrived with, are not ours to possess forever. These are transitory states.
And I know, too (and have through almost all of my adult life), that outward appearance does not necessarily correlate with an individual’s sensuality or eroticism...or true character for that matter. Surprises abound.
Even so, I revel in beauty. It grows ever more wondrous. I shall not be lusting for that beauty, though. I’ve lived too long and ventured too far on damaged legs for that.
I only lust for hearts that have endeared themselves to me:
In Love Made Visible
In love are we made visible
As in a magic bath
are unpeeled
to the sharp pit
so long concealed
With love’s alertness
we recognize
the soundless whimper
of the soul
behind the eyes
A shaft opens
and the timid thing
at last leaps to surface
with full-spread wing
The fingertips of love discover
more than the body’s smoothness
They uncover a hidden conduit
for the transfusion
of empathies that circumvent
the mind’s intrusion
In love are we set free
Objective bone
and flesh no longer insulate us
to ourselves alone
We are released
and flow into each other’s cup
Our two frail vials pierced
drink each other up
May Swenson
* * *
In love are we made visible
As in a magic bath
are unpeeled
to the sharp pit
so long concealed
With love’s alertness
we recognize
the soundless whimper
of the soul
behind the eyes
A shaft opens
and the timid thing
at last leaps to surface
with full-spread wing
The fingertips of love discover
more than the body’s smoothness
They uncover a hidden conduit
for the transfusion
of empathies that circumvent
the mind’s intrusion
In love are we set free
Objective bone
and flesh no longer insulate us
to ourselves alone
We are released
and flow into each other’s cup
Our two frail vials pierced
drink each other up
May Swenson
* * *