True Story

Decades ago...I found myself chatting up a comely lass. She was “heavy” into astrology. She wanted to know my “sign”. “I’m a Gemini,” I answered. “Gawd!” she blurted. “I’d have an abortion if I knew my child would be born a Gemini!” she exclaimed.
Needless to say, we went our separate ways. She to her astrological charts, and I to my garret.
Thereupon, I penned this verse:
A Gemini’s Lament
Stars, do not mock me!
I’m no tangent to some cosmic arc,
A simple astrological abstraction.
Do not vow that I am fated
To be inconstant, mutable,
Mere cloud forms and breezes.
I am passioned dust,
With heart rubbed raw,
And I have bled too much for that!
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"I’m a Gemini and Geminis don’t believe in astrology"
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"I’m a Gemini and Geminis don’t believe in astrology"
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